Discovery Workshop Introduction

Discovery Workshop
In addiction, the addict is always trying to cover the pain And the biggest challenge is where that pain comes from.In the DISCOVERY WORKSHOP, the goal is to uncover the underlying pain and give a voice to the inner child so the pain can be somatically released. It doesn’t matter the degree of abuse or trauma the individual has endured as much as how he has internalized what it means about him. Creating a core belief in the subconscious that continues to interfere with adult life. The adult can become stuck in their story and perpetuate the pain. Once brought into the conscious part of the brain, new choices can be made.
The focus on self-love and self-worth, through taking responsibility for their life today, allows the addict to release the need to numb and gives a new perspective to his or her life. The workshop does layers deep work in the emotions of anger, fear, sadness, and shame. All exercises are followed by experiential feelings of deep love and connection to self. This is done in a group making the energy stronger and more profound.
The importance in addiction recovery is to remember, healing is about self-acceptance and changing their story. Being willing to look within and make changes is a courageous act. Change comes when the individual actively participates in his or her recovery and takes responsibility for their life. Moving through fear, grief, guilt, and shame is all part of the process.
In the DISCOVERY WORKSHOP participants gain insight into what has been unconsciously keeping them stuck. This type of work helps the individual face their story, embrace it and choose a new one. Allowing for lasting transformation that leads to freedom from addiction.
There is a growing need to expand the treatment options for addiction and look at it from a holistic point of view.
By understanding the core issues behind addiction, there can be more meaningful healing on all levels and create lasting change in individuals’ lives. The DISCOVERY WORKSHOP offers an alternative approach that allows an individual to become an active participant in his or her recovery. It can be a powerful tool to help an individual break out of their cycle of addiction and
create a new path forward.
Through understanding the underlying causes of addiction, an individual can find peace in understanding his or her story, embracing it, and creating a new one that leads to lasting transformation and freedom from addiction. This is where the DISCOVERY WORKSHOP comes in. It offers a safe and supportive environment to transform and heal. The DISCOVERY WORKSHOP is a powerful tool for individuals struggling with addiction, allowing them to take ownership of their healing journey and find lasting transformation. It offers the opportunity to uncover the underlying pain, gain insight into what has been unconsciously keeping them stuck, and create lasting change in their lives.
Additionally, this type of work can also make a great difference in relapse prevention. By creating new coping skills and being able to recognize triggers.
Discovery Workshop Testimonials
This weekend was very enlightening. I learned so much about myself. I now understand that a lot of my issues stem from issues from my childhood. I never thought I had an issue or was holding so much hurt and pain from my mother in my subconscious. This was the most eye opening, amazing experience.
How to love myself and be the true me.
Thank you for your help. My demons are gone…
This workshop is pure magic! A phenomenal experience of change. The teachings of finding the core of one true self. A joy, a gift. An experience of a life-time! Beyond words to find the true meaning of who we really are and how we can retrain and rewire the healing from the damaged lives we lived, allowed ourselves to accept. Bringing us to the real self and life we always had but could not receive. Learning that the NOW is our present and that we can not carry the past to relive negative past but to release into a brand new life, person and day.
By far this was the most diifficult but wonderful experiences of my life. The range of emotions and seeing my 8 year old self as clear as I did was beautiful. Thank you can’t begin to describe how fortunate I am to be here with you! This was so feeing and I love how I feel now and this is only the beginning!