What people are saying...
Being a single dad raising a little girl, I wanted to be the best parent I could possibly be. There were a lot of factors raising a child that brought up my own childhood issues, which were forced to be addressed, in order to hold space with
Based on the information that was available to parents in the 60’s, I was a rescuer for my daughter and she knew it. I have learned that what we protect is what we make weak. I knew my daughter was angry. She was told the divorce was Daddy’s fault. The most precious gift to help her was to give her permission to be angry at daddy, that daddy will love her and be there for her. That is when the change really came to effect, she really expressed herself. And she stops telling her self that she can’t do something she has never tried. The lies she told herself were creating her future. Through Evolve Kidz course she is aware they are lies.
She sets boundaries for herself, even if its “please stay out of my room, I neest time for me”. I see her being more confident in her activities as well as standing up for herself. She expresses her feelings a lot more than she use to. She understands it is ok to make mistakes, that we are not perfect, she accepts that. She is becoming more of a leader instead of a follower.
We do this everyday of giving choices and showing up with love. My daughter feels safe, together we created a safe place for her in our home and in herself and she knows she’s loved. Our relationships and interaction are more authentic.
“If you want the best gift for your child, let them be a child, not of your childhood”
I was going through a divorce in 2016 and searched for something to help me and my two young children deal with the changes going on in our world. I found The Living Course and, through it, discovered the Evolve Kidz and the RCB Parenting Course with Tawnya Perry. My daughter was 7 years old when she first went through Evolve Kidz course. She entered the first day very nervous, not knowing what to expect. When I picked her up at the end of the day her first words were, “I can’t wait for tomorrow!” Whew! I was thrilled! She loves Evolve Kidz course and has gone back to angel/assist multiple times. We even did it together and had an amazing time! It has truly helped her learn skills to deal with bullying, confidence, building friendships, and relating to her peers and parents.
There is so much love from the other children and the adults at the Evolve Kidz course. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has a child. You don’t have to be “dealing with something” to need it – it’s beneficial to everyone. The children learn great life skills that will help them forever. They should teach this in all schools across America!
My daughter learned ways to communicate with me and others that help her get her needs met and help me understand her better. Tawnya and the whole Evolve Kidz course team/staff is truly amazing! Tawyna has always made herself available for follow-up and follow-through.
In this day and age, with bullying and social media on the rise and all the struggles children face, this course has been really helpful in so many ways!

These courses are healing lives! Redirecting Children’s Behavior opened my eyes to how I can identify the most effective way to handle the little ones, and assisting at Evolve Kidz course I found that they are easily changing lives for the better right now and I can’t wait to see how self-loving and self-knowing the kids are as they grow! Bottom line: I wouldn’t trade these experiences for anything in the world!