
Empowering Kids, Teens, and Families

Creating a safe environment for children to connect with their peers and learn from each other.

Inspiring parents, teens, and children to emotional freedom from anything that is other than love.

(754) 204-8225Enroll in a Course

Parenting Resources

Parenting Tools We Recommend

Lifetime Learning Connections tools

for Parents who want to know how to redirect their children’s behavior with love, respect and mutual agreements.

Books / Movies

* Suggested Books (list coming)


Self-Help Tools

Happiness: Discover the underlying reasons why you are not happy. Learn more.

Mindfulness Meditation: Just being mindful is a practice in itself. This technique is for all ages. Learn how it has helped students around the world. Click here.

Health Products

Products that enhance health,
Contact Tawnya


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Lifetime Learning Connections

Help Us Grow

Please consider attributing regular charitable donations via smile.amazon.com to Lifetime Learning Connections, Inc.

All of the contributions to the Lifetime Learning Connections, Inc.'s mission will strengthen the outreach to children, teens, and families, to inspire and empower them to create loving relationships through mindful communication.

Our Services

Lifetime Learning

We provide heart-based coaching for kids in a group setting. Learning how to practice “mindfulness” in thoughts and actions, families learn to work as a team and support each other. Crisis prevention and resolution occur as each person regains their self-esteem and value and get the life skills to help them make their best decisions.

Personal Development

We have resources to help you become your best most successful Self. We believe you deserve to achieve your dream life, health, home, career, relationships, abundant finances, and vacations.

Lifetime Learning: Training & Workshops

Our primary program is the “Evolve Kidz” course and then our Evolve Teenz.

Check out our resource page for information on Evolve Parents. As parents we were never taught “how” to parent. This page gives a link to parenting courses and coaching to support you in your parenting skills. Click here.

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Lifetime Learning Connections
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